Let’s break the stigma around mental health in the workplace.

At WeTalkToo we understand that for some organisations, it can be a challenge to know what to do to create an open and authentic culture.


A culture where people can bring their true selves to work every day and talk about their mental health without fear of consequence. A culture where people can thrive and shine.

A culture of high performance and high engagement at the deepest level. With the cost of mental health absence to UK organisations currently around 56 billion pounds every year (and rising) the commercial benefits speak for themselves.

We believe that to create a workplace where people can thrive and shine there needs to be a focus on awareness, behaviour and training. That’s where our services can help. 


What Training do we offer?

Training in the workplace should be more than just a tick box exercise. It should enrich, inspire and have tangible benefits to both the individual and the wider organisation. That’s where we come in. In the first instance, we will take the time to talk with you, understand your needs and agree on the best approach for your workplace.


Consultancy Service

Many organisations don’t know where or how to start their journey to positive mental health and wellbeing so we can work with you to develop a strategy to either complement your existing initiatives or help you start from scratch. We understand that you want practical and workable solutions that will add value to your organisation. Whether you want advice, training or temporary in-house expertise, we can deliver that for you through our talented team of associates.



We understand that having a digital learning option is attractive to organisations as it makes learning readily accessible to more of your employees. Our eLearning modules have been created to be engaging, interactive and informative. These can be found in our digital learning hub which offers a wealth of resources, webinars and self care on demand to complete the digital experience.

“I believe that everyone has the right to a mentally healthy workplace where they can bring their whole selves to work - that’s when organisations can truly be successful.”

Jill Mead

With over 15 million sick days per year attributed to anxiety, stress and depression in the UK alone, it’s no surprise that businesses are starting to look more closely at the wellbeing of their employees.


But how many of us have actually taken the time to truly understand how mentally healthy our employees are?

Whether you’re looking to broaden your understanding of mental health, find out what your employees think of your current wellbeing initiatives or develop skills in your leaders to create a mentally well workplace – we can help! The insight we provide will help you understand how people feel about their mental health at work, who they would talk to and more importantly how your team are equipped to deal with mental health in the workplace. It will also provide you with ideas from your teams on what you could do differently as an organisation too.

Using carefully crafted surveys, bespoke workshops or just open and honest dialogues with your teams, we can help you build that all important insight and knowledge and then develop simple yet effective strategies to help take action.

The Power of Stories.

A better way to work.


We have supported many organisations with mental health and wellbeing so if you are thinking about taking action then Let’s Talk Too.